5 Self-Care Tips for the Workaholic

5 Self-Care Tips for the Workaholic

I have a confession...I'm a certified workaholic. It's difficult for me to relax. Weird, right? After all, I create products centered on self-care, yet I feel as though all my moments must be measured in productivity. What's a CEO to do? Make a list, of course!


Loving yourself isn't vanity, it's sanity and here are few ways I keep mine.

1. Start the day in a posture of gratitude. Each morning, though my eyes are barely open and I haven't had my first café au lait, my mind is racing through a to-do-list. That's exactly why starting my day with prayer, meditation, and affirmations are essential to my well-being. It helps me focus and feel empowered to manage the day's challenges. Furthermore, scientific research abounds with the health benefits of prayer and meditation, including:


  • Decreasing stress
  • Boosting immune systems
  • Increasing oxygen levels


Personally speaking, gratitude helps me to see what is there, instead of what isn't.


2. Everyday, do something that benefits your body.  DON'T STOP READING...I'm not saying you should exercise every day. Truth is most of us don't have that kind of time. I'm an avid runner, but realistically, I run 3-4 times a week. For 40 years it's been a personal indulgence of ME TIME. But I also know exercise isn't the only way to invest in physical well being.


  • Rest - Experts recommend a minimum of 7 hours sleep. I have an iPhone alarm that tells me to 'shut it down' at 11 pm.
  • Laughter - Releases endorphines, a natural feel-good chemical.
  • Hydrate - Water flushes toxins and keeps skin supple.
  • Exercise - Fifty reasons to exercise. There's bound to be ONE that appeals to you.



3. (Almost) All Things in Moderation. Those of us from New Orleans have a ...well...EPIC relationship with food. It's not a means of sustenance, but a celebration of life, love, family and culture at EVERY MEAL. With my workout regimen and edited versions of NOLA fare, I thought I had a relatively healthy diet, but a few years ago a pre-diabetes diagnosis forced me to re-evaluate my food choices. My dietary adjustments meant:


  • Increasing whole grains, dark leafy greens, fish, nuts and low fat dairy.
  • Decreasing fried or processed foods, starchy vegetables, high fat dairy and fatty proteins.


If I can create a healthier way to enjoy the foods I love, so can you!



4.  Pamper Yourself- Can't Stop, Won't Stop...Except for Champagne. I've already confessed to being a workaholic. Long before becoming a Beauty Boss, I loved to create and indulge in purposeful skin care. From exfoliating sugar scrubs and decadent body butter to the piéce de résistance, a warm, luxurious bubble bath...with a side of champagne and candles. YES...IN...DEED!!!  



5. Hang out with your Squad.  Here's another confession. Being an entrepreneur is often a lonely journey. You sacrifice a lot because you're constantly working. When you're not working, you're thinking about work. To my fellow workaholics: there's a small army of people rooting for you from the sidelines, and it's hard to find the time to stop and say "thank you" or "I love you".


  • Here's some advice - JUST DO IT. They know how hard you're working, but those people will encourage you, tell you how proud they are and send you back onto the playing field!



6. BONUS - Self-care Tip #6. You tell us!  


The Maison 276 community wants to hear from you. Share your favorite acts of Self-Care below in the Comments Section.

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